Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Cabin

The first summer we were married, Jay and I made a trip to Colorado. It was our first trip down there alone together. Little did we know that it would be one of only two trips down there with just the two of us. All other times, we've either had parents or kids with us. Man, we had no idea how good we had it. Anyway, on that first trip, Matt & Tennille took us 4-wheeling up to this cabin.

I think we have gone there every trip since. In the summer we use the 4-wheelers. In the winter we snowmobile. Keep in mind that these die-hards make no exceptions for six-month pregnant women or women with three-month-old babies.(I know from experience in both cases.)

It is absolutely astounding up there. I believe it sits somewhere around 11,000 feet. The views leave nothing to be desired and the cabin itself is quite complete. Even the outhouse is nice. And I would know because we had an outhouse until I was 12 so I'm kind of an expert.

Hey! Don't just go thinkin' I was some big grouch. No. The elevation really makes me sick! I would walk across the room and my heart would be pounding like crazy and I'd feel lightheaded. Plus I had to get Avril to go to sleep. You know, she needed her rest before I tripped and dropped her down the steps. Oh yes. It happened. Thankfully she was in her car seat. Thankfully it was just the front steps and not the stairs inside. Thankfully I took the brunt of it and her seat's handle protected her when she flipped and rolled on the ground. And thankfully everyone already knew I wasn't graceful when I belly-flopped in the dirt. Oh yeah, and thankfully, everyone saw! Nope, not a single person missed it. Thank goodness for that. Yesiree.

The Fantastic Four.
These kids really are somethin' else. I don't think even one day went by when Adam and Cheyanne didn't have Rowan in tears thinking a mountain lion was going to get him. I learned that Adam will believe anything his cousins tell him and next to nothing that I tell him. Oh joy.

My poor kids didn't have much in the way of cold weather clothes and it was pretty cold up there. They had to borrow some things. I think Rowan was borrowing a sweatshirt from Uncle Matt.

One last one of the view. Not too spectacular a photo but Jay was more interested in riding and I wasn't up to taking pictures. Lance, you really should go down there some time. You would be in landscape heaven. Matt knows all the good places too.


Dana Allard said...

That last picture is breathtaking. I can almost smell the crisp, mountain air *takes big breath*.
I need to get out of here... I'm totally jealous.
And don't feel bad about your swan-like gracefullness. When I was eight months preggo with Drew, I threw myself down a flight of stairs that 11 month Amber had just fallen down. I caught her, but it wasn't pretty.
The whole church was present to witness my stupidity.

Karina said...

It looks so vast and...breathtaking. Colorado is on my list of things-to-see. Sounds like the perfect holiday- fresh air, family & four-wheeling!

Sorry to hear about your accident...these things happen. I cant choose just one story to tell you to make you feel better and express my empathy. But there was this time when Jaydes head went through our ceiling.... and another time when I ate dirt in front of Jacks family..literally...with a spoon. *sigh*.

Your boys are looking so grown up!

The Chad Beck's said...

So pretty! I now know what you're talking about when you talk about the cabin!
You poor thing! I didn't know that happened, glad you guys didn't get hurt!
Glad you guys have so much fun everytime your there!