Monday, December 15, 2008

Live & Learn...Hopefully

As I am planning birthdays and Christmas I realize that there are many mistakes I make every.single.year. I always get frustrated and that bothers me as this is my favorite time of year. So in the hope of learning from my mistakes and doing it different next year I am going to document what I am learning.

What NOT to do:

* Do not wait until five days before to start planning my kid's birthday party.

* Do not wait until a week and a half before Christmas to realize that it is now too late to order any gifts online.

* Do not buy my son's Christmas presents and then notice way later that I forgot about his birthday present. This is especially important as his birthday is before Christmas.

* Do not get grouchy and start nit-picking my husband about, well, everything.

* Do not wait until two weekends before the holiday (right about the time of the first storm of the year) to go shopping. Too many people. Too many bad roads.

* Do not print my own pictures. They never come out as clear and it sucks up a lot of money in ink.

* Do not have a baby right at Christmas. Yay! Props to me, I nailed that one this year.

What to do:

* Do send Christmas cards out at the beginning of December. It is NOT too early.

* Do invest in some new Christmas music. I love my Bing but I need variety people.

* Do have my lovely and talented sister take a family photo. In November when It's at least above freezing outside.

* Do start giving more homemade gifts. They are the most fun and thoughtful.

* Do help Jay to get his major projects done looooong before the holidays. This could also be translated: Do STOP whining and let him get to work in the summer time!

* Do cheer up. We are blessed and God has been working miraculously in our lives. He is to be praised for all things!

I almost forgot! Today I am in my second tri-mester. Yipee! One-third of the way through. I have also beeen feeling my baby from time to time which is always exciting.


Crystal said...

I love it when they start moving.... and I think I need your lists!

Terah said...

It solves a lot if you're just too broke to worry about Christmas...(:
I had all these homemade gifts planned but have been too sick to even think about them...oh well.

Heidi said...

That's okay, we can''t really plan ahead too much because we never know what is going to happen.

The Chad Beck's said...

I feel for ya, it's nice that I get all the stress out of the way two weeks before Christmas, so really I think thansgiving is more stressful to me then Christmas!
Hang in there girl, and remember your little guy will have lots of fun at his party weither it was planned good or not.
love ya.
If you need help with anything I can do let me know!

Karina said...

You just made me laugh out loud! I can really use this list also since Levi's birthday is the 21st Dec. I forgot all about Christmas cards this year...which is very unfortunate given that most of our family is overseas and it is now physically too late to get mail there on time.

My problem is that I am a compulsive hoarder/bargain shopper. That means if I see something 70% off in March, I will buy it and put it in the cupboard till december. And I do that frequently. So that by the time the kids' birthdays arrive...they have too many gifts to give them without completely spoiling them rotten. I am trying to get better with this....

So glad to hear youre in the 2nd trimester...that is such exciting news. We keep praying for you guys!