Thursday, August 14, 2008

Things that make you go...Hmmmm.

Yesterday, while the Taiter was napping, I was folding laundry and Rowster was playing quietly in the living room.(He already woke up from his nap.) When I finished I turned around to see that Ro was no longer playing with trucks but he was doing what he sees his mommy do every day.

Now, there are a few things I would like you to observe about these pictures.

A) He has his cup on the desk. I always have my drink at the desk with me.
B) Yes, he is on the cell phone.
C) If you notice in the first couple Solitare is on the computer screen. I am horrible at multi-tasking so I always switch to Solitare while I'm on the phone.

When I saw this my first reaction was to grab the camera. My second reaction was to think, "Hmmmm. Maybe I need more active hobbies!"


The Chad Beck's said...

look how big he is! Heidi needs another one, he's not a baby anymore... :( Kira plays computer games now. VERY bad thing to start! Now her and I are going to fight over the computer!

Britani said...

Heidi I do have to admit I have trained one of the guys in the office this very same way. Although I think Ro probably learned it a lot quicker than this guy- he's been here a year and Monday morning is like a retraining session :(!!!