Thursday, August 2, 2012

10 on tuesday

1. I actually started the running program last night! And it was doable. I even sort of enjoyed it because it wasn't overly strenuous. So 1 down, 26 to go. Today was on "off" day so I walked this morning and it felt great!

2. My baby has been sleeping through the night. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even consider a running program.

3. While grocery shopping today, my daughter threw such a large tantrum that she made herself puke.
Mom swears it's her version of sibling rivalry against Rhett.

4. I actually bought school supplies today. As in, my kids are going to a school that requires certain supplies. As in, my kids are going to a school. I think. I keep going back & forth on it and we haven't actually enrolled them but I am fairly certain we are going to do it for this year. I think it will be a nice reprieve for all of us and that it will give me some quality time with Avril & Rhett. Not to mention that I will actually be glad to spend time with the older two by the afternoon instead of being tired of dealing with them.  I know that sounds terrible but I really have days like that while homeschooling. I am just simply "done" by the time school is finished and I have to catch up on everything else. Hopefully this will remedy that.

5. I have been thinking about doing this with Avril. I think she would really enjoy the one on one time with Mommy and learn a lot too. It may also be the curriculum we use for all of the kids next year. (thanks for the tip Shelby!).

6. At Rhett's last appointment he weighed 12 lbs. 10 oz & was 25 inches long. He may wind up being our tallest child. Although I think he & Adam will be close.

7. I have Jr. Church for the month of August. We are going to be studying Fruit of the Spirit and I have a couple of simple crafts that I am really excited about. So, if you have children in my class & you read this blog, be sure not to put your kiddos in anything that you'd be really disappointed if it got paint on it.

8. We had a yard sale on Saturday and my boys made $30 off of their stuff. Plus Adam found a $50 bill floating around the driveway that they got to split. they each have forty-something dollars now. Adam is determined to get an ipod. Rowan wants a Lego set.

9. I need a girls' day/night. Just something simple. Preferably without the kids. Not that I don't love them but you know. Heck, I'd even settle for a date with my husband! =)

10. It's time to get Avril's room done. It's driving me crazy. I don't even like walking past it right now. It is a cluttered mess. Maybe Jay can help me with it this weekend.

****note: I did write most of this Tuesday, i just didn't get it posted until Thursday.


Imagine That! said...

We are sending 3 of ours to school this year too.
Lots of changes, but I love trying new things so I am kind of excited about it. It just has taken me awhile to wrap my mind around it. :)

Holly said...

Exciting stuff :)

Heidi said...

Holly you should not be up at 1:27 AM! (had to throw that out there)

I am excited about the boys going to school. I have all of these fuzzy, sunshiney daydreams of how wonderful it will be. But in reality, I'm scared. It's a LOT of money and they have never been out my care for the entire day, 5 days a week before. Not to mention, I'm not sure how I'll handle going back to homeschooling next year. Jay & I both agree that it is not a long-term solution for us but it's just to get us over the "hump", so to speak. It's just such uncharted territory for us!

So was April too, though. And we don't want a repeat of that!