Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Never Say Never

All the things I used to say.

"I will never marry someone shorter/smaller than me."
  Enters Jay.

"I will never allow my kids to watch t.v. all day."  
I love my kids to watch t.v.

"I will never allow my kids to play a video game all day." 
 I don't, but I wish I could.

"My children will never throw a fit like that."  
Well, you've all met them.

"I will never let myself get fat." 
 Ummmm...I didn't exactly let myself..the fat gave me no choice. It pointed a candy bar at me!

"I will never tell my children to shut-up."  
I have. Like 4 times.

"I will never marry a hick/cowboy." 
He's not as close as his brother.

"I will never clean poop out of my kids' underwear."  
I think I've done it three times just this week.

"I will never have a three-year-old in diapers."  
Two so far. Closely approaching three.

"I will never homeschool." 
 I only wish it were true. Sorry, but today I do.

"My house will never be messy or unfinished." 

"I will never let my kids watch Sesame Street."  
Mostly stuck to this one. I think they have seen it once.

"I will never fight over money with my husband."  

"I will never leave my kids in the car while I run into the store."  
I just wish it were safe everywhere I go.

"I will never have this baby!" 
did. All three times so far.

Man, did I used to be an idiot.

Just don't ask me what I said I would do. I think if I told you, I'd lose the will to live.


Terah said...


gramiwaggs said...

O.K. Let's see. After Tessa and I crawled up off of the floor from laughing so hard and peeing our pants we decided that you write the funniest posts ever. Knowing you like we do nothing surprises us though. I think I told you before, do not use never and always when you are describing yourself. You will someday live to eat your words. Love you, ALWAYS!!!!

Crystal said...

Thanks for the chuckle Heidi, and I promise I'm not laughing at you, because my list looks oh-so similar to yours!

The Chad Beck's said...

Never say NEVER as I tell my kids. ;)
Life is funny like this, the things we think we will or will not do. hehe!

Holly said...

I have learned to NEVER limit God and to ALWAYS trust that He knows more then we are so funny my dear friend & cousin, I sure love you and completely understand "NEVERS" LOL