Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I had an ultrasound this morning. It never ceases to amaze me how awesome it is to see those little babies moving around in there. Complete with a cute little profile, fingers, & toes.

 Hard to say whether or not we got good news. The good part is that "baby" has a strong heartbeat & is moving around & healthy overall. The tech said that's what we want to see. The part we don't want to see is the blood pocket/clot where the placenta attches to the uterine wall. There is a small area where the placenta was either torn or never attached to the uterus and a blood vessel ruptured. Hence the bleeding I had last week. The technician said that she has seen way worse ones than mine go on to have normal, healthy pregnancies and deliveries. She also said that she has seen some where she couldn't even tell where it was bleeding only to hear later that they had miscarried shortly after.

Ideally, this clot will absorb into my body and we will never hear from it or see it again. There also is a chance I could just pass it out. The concern is that it will rerupture or tear further from the uterine wall. If it tears too far, baby will not get the needed nutrients and it will result in a miscarriage.

I am to take it easy and really concentrate on staying hydrated and taking my vitamins. The goal is to give this tear/rupture time to heal completely. I was told that my regular 30 minute walk each day would be fine but have been begged by numerous relatives not to continue. I am not on bedrest just instructed to take it easy.

I will be going back in for another ultrasound on the 17th of November. They want to monitor the clot. I would really appreciate it if you all could remember us in prayer. I am a bit nervous about all this. They didn't say I was going to lose the baby but they didn't really reassure me either.

Another high note is that my official due date is May 11, 2012. So I am actually further along than I thought. Not by much but I'll take it. One more week until the second trimester. Yay!


Britani said...

Praying for you and baby! Let me know if I can do anything for you!

Heidi said...

You can!
Have your baby so I can see him!=)

Hey, I know where the snugli and the swing are. I will wash them and bring them to you when Bentley is born or if you happen to be up here for some reason, let me know. I am still working on finding my other pump.

How's carseat shopping going? (hee hee)

Thank you for your prayers!

Britani said...

Dont worry about cleaning anything. Take it easy- that way if I do need to borrow the swing I can come up and visit :) Still waiting for one, Mom is buying the travel system I want @ Target so I am not worried about it :) Also I was thinking one of my co-workers had the same problem while she was pregnant (she had a miscarriage and was told She would not be able to have kids, a month before she found out she was prego with this baby) But after 4 months of bedrest she had her healthy baby girl in september. Just a reminder of Gods manu miracles.