Thursday, October 27, 2011


: a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition

That's been my day. A day filled with nostalgia.
Basically, I've been a sentimental, weeping mess for a good portion of the afternoon.
You see, I had to go through this old desk we have. It's the one we've used since we got married. The one that I sat at browsing the web while Adam was slowly and steadily growing in my belly.
The one where I wrote little love notes to my hubby and lists of things I would need when we became parents or things we needed for our fridge any particular week.
The one where I sat with Adam on my lap and Rowan growing slowly and steadily in my belly.
Searching real estate listings praying that we could find something we might afford and be able to raise our two sweet boys in.
The desk that we moved into our newly purchased home to sit in the basement while we remodeled upstairs and lived in the driveway in a motorhome.
And has sat there since then, unused, untouched, and collecting dust.
For four-and-a-half years.
That desk.
The one filled with old letters and lists. With pictures of my baby boys.
And pictures of almost all of your babies too.
The ones that now have no trace whatsoever of the babies we knew back then.
I cleaned it out today so that my dear little brother can have it on Saturday.
Then his wife can bawl when she cleans it out six and a half years from now and remembers sitting at it with her baby growing.

I found out that I am getting another niece sometime in March.
I strongly believe that this means I am having a boy.
(not really)

Well, since I am choosing to believe the best, I will be having a baby in May.
This means I will have to rename my blog again.
4 P's in a Pod sounds kinda dumb.
I am drawing a blank.
I would love suggestions.

Now that the desk is clean, I can focus on our pantry/store room in the basement.
I actually have a plan! I drew out how I want the shelves organized and everything.
Of course, someday it will be remodeled with painted walls, nice new shelves, and real flooring.
But for now I have an idea in mind that will make it nice, organized, and functional.

Since I am on an organizing kick, next week I start upstairs.

I have about 9 million Christmas projects that I want to try.
It will be so nice to have our school room complete so I have a spot I can do projects and not need to clean up for every meal and school.
Anyway, I don't know how to find the time to get everything done.
I want to simplify and do more at the same time.

Speaking of Christmas, it's less than two months away.
Can you believe it?
Any good ideas for one "big" girl gift?
I think we are set on what to get the boys but I don't have any ideas for Avril.
I thought buying them one under the tree gift would make things easier.
I am actually finding it much more difficult.

Jay and Adam leave for the east coast on the 12th of November.
That means that for the next two weeks we have to double up on our school lessons.
I can't get behind, I actually need to get ahead so we can finish up the year before baby arrives.
Sometimes school doesn't take more than a couple of hours.
Other days, we go
Depends on how much Adam resists.

Revising our eating menu to exclude dairy again.
Of course Jay and I are fine but the kids are going to be enjoying almond milk and rice milk in their food.
I seem to notice a difference by cutting out even the lactose free stuff.
It's worth it though.

We still don't know what we are doing for Thanksgiving.
We are waiting to hear from Jay's family so we can decide whether or not
we will spend with my side or his.
Hopefully we will have an answer soon.

1 comment:

gramiwaggs said...

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions."

I don't know why God tells us this. Does anyone have any insight?

Just enjoy each day, Heidi, because soon these will be the days of nostalgia.

Love you!