Monday, October 10, 2011

It's True

Yes, it's true, Jay and I are expecting our 4th little blessing.

I am just over 8 weeks along(I think). That puts my due date around the 19th of May. I have not been to the doctor as of yet but plan on going in soon. They don't usually want to see you before 8 weeks anyhow.

As far as symptoms go, this little one is making me the most queezy of the four. I also have been really wiped out but that might just be because I have so much more to do than I did with previous pregnancies. However, I don't feel too crabby yet. That's a bonus!

Even though I have been feeling a little green it has been random & I still have not actually gotten sick. It seems to be the worst at night and so I usually just go to bed & sleep it off. Not too bad really, compared to others.

I also feel like a 13-year-old girl with the sudden breakouts I am having on my face. Makes a girl feel glamorous with the nausea & spotted face but I guess it is always worth it in the end. It also makes me think it could be another girl as I didn't do that with the boys but I did with Avril. Of course every baby is different so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. Two boys & two girls seems pretty picture perfect. And, honestly, I am thrilled either way.

My biggest concern is weight gain. I put on a lot of weight with Avril and I really want to avoid that this time around. It is a little difficult when I start feeling sick if I don't eat and I have not had the time or energy to exercise much extra. Of course, laziness is my biggest adversary so I just need to push past it. This also relates to the size of the baby. My goal is to keep this child under a nine-pound birth weight. I am told I can help this by watching what I eat. I am skeptical though since with Adam I ended up weighing 10 lbs less after I had him than when I got pregnant and he still weighed 9 lbs 9 oz. But it's still worth a shot since it may mean weight loss for me regardless of the baby's weight. But if you all would pray for my diligence and self control in this area, I would appreciate it.

I guess there is not a lot more information to be told as it is still early on. We will most likely be finding out the gender of the baby just after the new year. We will wait to discuss names until then. And yes, we are very excited!

I will keep everybody updated on baby's progress. Right now little blessing is about the size of a large raspberry & weighs 1 gram. External ears, baby teeth buds, optic nerve and eyelids are forming now. And baby moves its tiny arms & legs. How amazing.


gramiwaggs said...


Crystal said...

How exciting!!!! I was wondering!

Britani said...

Congrats!! So exciting :)

Dana Allard said...


Heidi said...

Thanks girls!
I'm glad to know I am not the only one excited.
It's so funny to see people who think that 4 kids is akin to 4 tazmanian devils. truthfully, mine probably are! =)

I remember people(complete strangers) asking if I was going to get my tubes tied after Avril. Can't wait to see what they ask now!

The Chad Beck's said...

Yep Wanda, 10! And Terah has half of them!
It's exciting every time even though we've had all these lil ones a new announcement never gets old!