Friday, February 20, 2009


"Mommy, can I play with Preston's kitchen toy? Because Preston's kitchen toy is really cool and awesome. And Preston is really cool to me and his kitchen toy has lots of cool things. It has a cool stove thing and a cool sink thing and I really wanna play with it."

Adam continued on to tell me all of the other "cool" features of Preston's kitchen toy before I finally told him he could play nicely with it. I don't know why he deemed it Preston's because I'm sure I remember it being Kira's but apparently Preston is one cool dude and his kitchen is something to be had. *smile* Might I add that I agree, about the boy at least.

Just a quick post that I had to share.

1 comment:

The Chad Beck's said...

I also think Preston is a pretty cool kid too Adam. =]

Maybe They'll be good friends in the future, you know, call each other more then their wives, sing together, maybe even work at ups together?? =]