Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 0n Tuesday New Year Style

Well another holiday season and another year behind us. I think everybody tends to look back and reflect on the past year. I know I do anyhow. Even though I reflect, I have pretty much given up on New Year's resolutions. As I have heard so many people say(mostly my hubby), if you have something to change, just change it. Don't wait for a new week, a new month, a new year. And while I think that is very good advice I still can't help but want to start fresh on some things when January 1st rolls around.
So this year I will once again resolve to do things differently. Some things I started doing before the new year began. Others had no choice but to wait. And still others I simply was too lazy to start during the holidays. So here are some things that are going to be different around here.

1) Probably first on the list is devotions. Although I do pray and read my Bible, it has been sporatic at best lately and I strongly desire for this to change. I feel the urge to spend that time with my Savior. And I am purely selfish about it too. I do not want interruptions.

2) Which brings me to number 2. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Sleeping in has never been this much of a problem for me before. I want to blame it on the fact that I am pregnant only that it is the fourth time I have been so and this was not such a problem the last three times. My only conclusion is simply that I am in the habit of a midnight bedtime and a 7-7:30 wake up time. I feel behind before I even climb out from between the sheets.

3) Get my daughter fully potty trained. She does really well when I do really well. I think I could have her wetting on the potty 100% within a week. The "other" will take a little more work as she tends to hide when she does this and then come tell me afterward.

4) Next up is the exercise thing. I think it is everybody's new year resolution. Or some form of it anyway. I actually started this about a month ago. I walk for 45 minutes five days a week. I would like to add to this as time goes by. For now I will probably stick to the walking as I am pregnant but after little guy arrives I want to start strength training and running some. I also have started watching my calorie/sugar intake. I have no desire to have another 10-pound plus baby. So I guess my goal would be to continue doing this and add to it throughout the year.

5) I also resolve to stop talking about it! This may actually be more important to me than doing it. I hear my kids say things sometimes that make me very ashamed over my obseesion with my size. Time to stop talking and start doing.

6) Plan ahead. I have been working on this for some time now. I am very slowly making progress. It's a time saver and more than that, it's a stress reducer.

7) Do more on my photo-a-day blog this year than last year. And remember to upload and date them the day of so I don't forget dates! I have no misled plans of doing it every single day, I've already missed two! Just to do more than last year.

8)  Finally de-clutter my house. This is sort of an annual thing for me. And I never seem to quite complete it. But this is definitely the year because I am going to have to in order to fit this baby into it! I have already determined that the month of January is the month of cleaning and organizing for this family. Other months will be used for finishing the school year and fixing/making things for baby.

9) Decorate my house. We have lived in this house for 4.5 years now and I have done very little decorating. I either can't decide what I want or can't afford what I want. But this year I am going to start. I finally have an idea of what I like and what is practical. I start in Avril's room.

10) Learn to sew. I don't mean clothes. I have seen a baby blanket and some burp cloths that I really want to make for the baby. And the best part, they have a tutorial! So I am going to dive in and try to make them. I also want to make Christmas stockings, dolls, a few other things that have caught my eye. So this is the year. I am going to do it! I will start with the blanket and burp rags.

There they are, my ten resolutions. And if I am honest I have another. That is to enjoy the little things. The things that typically go unnoticed or the things I brush aside because I don't have time. I want to embrace them this year and soak up every one of them. Because I know that some day I will miss the little things I have now. Especially the ones involviing my children.


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