Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Boys

As most of you have probably heard, we are being blessed with another BOY! We are so excited to get another little boy to raise. It has been five years since I've had a baby boy in the house and as you all know, I am a sucker for baby boys. It will be quite different to have a spring/summer boy instead of a Christmas/winter boy.

The ultrasound went well. We were told that the baby has beautiful growth and everything looks just as it should. There is no sign whatsoever of the bleeding that I had earlier in the pregnancy. Our boy is just as healthy as he could be. And squirmy. She had a bit of a time getting measurements and pictures as he would not hold still for more than a second or two. During Adam's ultrasound he barely moved and sucked his thumb the whole time. Rowan was just as wiggly as this one. She had to try three times with Rowan to see that he was a boy. And Avril moved some but was more still. Now, out of all of them, rowan was my mellowest baby so I am hoping that this little wiggler follows suit. In temperment and size!

You may all be feeling bad for my only daughter but I assure you, she enjoys being the princess. And she has no trouble keeping up with the boys. I actually feel more sad for this little guy as he is younger than the next youngest boy by 5 1/2 years. But it has been a while for my family to have a boy so he is bound to be doted upon. And it is even on my side of the family. 5 grandaughters, 5 grandsons.

As for names, we haven't picked one yet. But we are leaning toward Rhett. Other names I like but Jay is not fond of are: Theron, Emery, & Vance. Jay likes Brandt but I don't like it enough for a first name. At this point, Rhett is the most liked by both of us.

I don't exactly know where we are going to put this baby. The bedrooms in our house are tiny and they are pretty much full right now. I am thinking that the older boys are going to get a new bunkbed. Their current bunkbed has a twin on top, double on bottom. We will most likely swap to a twin over twin and then buy a matching twin bed for the baby when he is old enough. A dresser also needs to be squeezed in there somewhere so some toys are going to have to go. Getting a new set of beds will mean a new set of bedding as well since double sheets will not work on a twin bed. Of course this is a couple of years down the road. In the beginning the baby will be in our room. This will be interesting as we usually move them to their own room at about a month old. This guy will have to stay for a few months. Hopefully he's a good sleeper! I would love ideas and suggestions on fitting three boys into one tiny room.

I am going to go through my baby boy stuff soon. I kept some basics but got rid of quite a bit when Avril was born. This way I can start compiling a list of what I need. A lot of it isn't going to fit during the right season anyway so no big loss. I got rid of a lot of the older boy stuff when I heard of a little guy that needed some clothes. Guess that just means I'll have to do some shopping!

People may wonder if  am disappointed that I am not getting another girl. I would be dishonest if I said that it didn't bother me that Avril won't have sisters as I had. But, no, I am not disappointed that I am having a boy. In fact, I couldn't be happier!


Crystal said...

I hadn't heard! Congrats!

Dana Allard said...

How exciting! Congratulations!