Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My baby boy is five.
How can it be?
When just a year ago yesterday,
He was still three.

A little about Rowan as he turns five:

Rowan is still a sweet, super-lovey boy. I think he will always be that way. His daddy is.
He still has sparkling blue eyes.
He still has dimples.
His smile still slays me. Every day.
He is mellow and sensitive yet energetic and loud all at once.
He is going through a weepy phase.
He knows all of his letters and their sounds.
He is extremely interested in numbers & asks questions about them constantly.
He loves to giggle & laugh.
He wants pirates really bad.
He has a phenominal imagination. One of the best I've seen. I think even better than mine.
He keeps telling me he wishes he could stay 4 for me.
He likes to draw.
He loves doing his school.
He crawls all over me if I sit and hugs my legs when I am standing.
He fights going outside but loves it once he's out there.
He loves being the "class clown". There is not a hint of stage fright in the boy.(he does not get that from my side of the family.)
Blue is his favorite color.
Fin & McQueen are his most played with toys.
He has moved on from his bear to a stuffed armadillo and a tater-tot shaped saber tooth.
He has a mild obsession with weapons. Especially the impaling type. Okay, it's not mild.
Cars, Cars 2, Chip & Dale, & Imaginext are his favorite movies.

For his birthday breakfast he requested cinnamon rolls.
For lunch, peanut butter & honey sandwhich with chips & applesauce.
For dinner, corndogs & broccoli.

Favorite snack: cheez-its & chocolate chips
Favorite drink: pop (??? I think he's only had it maybe 5 times in his life)
Favorite dinner: chicken & broccoli
Favorite cookie: The kind with chocolate chips all smashed up & cooked in there
Favorite place to go: Aunt Terah's
Best friend: Jude

Last night, tucking him into bed he told me he wanted to stay 4 forever because he didn't want to be a grownup. I asked why and he said, "Because grownups don't play." I explained that they just play with different kinds of games & toys. Like snowmobiles. He felt better after that. But it did inspire me to get down & just play with them more.


It is amazing to me that when a person has a baby that their love for that little being runs so deep, so immediately. But what amazes me more is how five years later, that love is deeper than they could have ever imagined it being on the day of their birth. My love for you grows every minute of every day.

And even when you grow up, you will still be my little blue-eyed, dimpled boy.

Happy birthday Mr. Rowster.
I love you.



1 comment:

gramiwaggs said...

Happy Birthday, Rowster! We love you very much. You are a sweetheart. You can't be 5 already. Your Momma was just 5 last week. Love you, Buddy!