Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not 10 on Not Tuesday

1) Well, Christmas is in full swing. Our decorations have been up for a week and about half of our gifts are bought. We are still completely stumped as to what to get Avril. So we may break our one gift under the tree rule for her. Of course I will probably just stuff everything into one box so it seems fair. In all honesty, we are spending twice as much on the boys. We still have a couple of people to buy for and I still have stocking stuffers to get.

2) My poor boy is drawing on his travel magna-doodle and pretending that he is playing a Nintendo DS game. This would probably make me want to cry if I didn't know that he and his older brother were each getting a DS Lite under the tree this year. I don't think I have ever been so excited about their Christmas gifts before. I know they are going to love it!

3) Rowan will be 5 years old in 6 days. Time flies. I ordered his birthday present yesterday and I am almost as excited about that as I am about the Christmas gift. This is what he is getting:                          

Plus an extra set of pirates. This boy has been asking for pirates and a pirate ship for quite some time now. I know he is going to love it. He may also be getting a new pair of Carhartts. Sadly, he must wait until after the New Year for his party. I think this may keep him busy though.

4) We are still unsure as to what we are getting Adam for his birthday. I am guessing it will be along the lines of Star Wars Legos or action figures. He may even get the set of movies if his dad can be talked into it. Jay balks but in reality, they are a lot cleaner than the majority of "kids" cartoons these days. He will also get the Carhartts. My kid can actually wear those things out.

5) My Christmas cards arrived today. I will be putting them in the mail tomorrow. The picture is not quite as crisp as I would prefer. Certainly not as crisp as it looked on my computer. But they are still pretty cute. Next year I will be more on top of my game and we will get Terah to do a family photo shoot in the fall. That way I can have them made up a little earlier and I won't have to take the pictures myself. I am still very excited about them though. And people might actually get them before Christmas!

6) I am feeling quite energetic these days. I am back to walking 5+ days a week and I feel so much better. I have also been watching what I eat more closely and it is amazing the difference I feel. I am not as tired & lethargic, I am not as grumpy, I am not as stressed. Of course this all most likely has to do with the fact that I am praying regularly more than it has to with the walking and eating better.
And the added bonus is feeling my little blessing moving & thumping around in there almost any time I am still. And when I bend over I usually get a good kick. I can feel this little one growing stronger each day.

7) Only 8 more days until THE ultrasound. Thankfully it is early in the morning. You all gotta make your guesses this week. You wanna know what I think? I think it is a boy. Way down deep in my gut I feel it is a boy. Of course, I really thought Terah was having a boy too.

8) Avril will be getting her birthday gift hopefully in January. Yeah, her birthday was in June. She was supposed to get a big-girl bed and bedding. She got most of the bedding but we have yet to get her the bed. Well, we hope to get it soon. We will need the crib for baby and I want her to be very used to her big-girl bed by then.

9) We have 21 weeks worth of school left for the year. And only 19 weeks before the first of May. And 4 of those weeks we will be on vacation. So that means 21 weeks worth of school in 15 weeks of time in order to finish before baby arrives. Yikes. Oh well, it's easier than doing it after baby is born. We may have to take it with us on our Colorado\Arizona trip. That way, Jay can help.(insert evil laughter)

10) Gettin really excited for my nieces to be born. It really could be any time now but for sure no longer than a month. Yay! I can hardly wait to see and hold them.

11) I don't know if I have ever mentioned how much I love the holidays before, but I do. It is my favorite time of year. And next week we have Christmas break and I plan on baking my heart out. So be looking for: fudge, homemade peppermint patties, chocolate-covered cherries, Christmas cookies, coconut balls, and quite possibly cathedral bars.

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