Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well, my boy has past the five-year-old mark and is six today. I can't believe it. Only six years ago, I wasn't a mother yet. I was large and swollen with child, sitting in a hospital bed, having contractions for the third day in a row, and scared out of my mind. It was probably around this time of day that I got my epidural. God bless anethesiologists! It wasn't until 8:18 p.m. that night six years ago that I got to see my baby. The one who made me a mother. He was huge, fat, slimy, and had a head full of thick, black hair. And I didn't even think to ask whether he was a boy or a girl. I was just happy he finally came. And bless the sweet thing, he slept that entire night. It was a good thing, too because I was out of it. Of course he hasn't been quite that easy since, but I've learned to not only live with it, but love it! My spunky kid brings me joy. And I couldn't have hand-picked a better one.

So today not only marks the birth of my baby boy but it marks the birth of my motherhood as well.


What is your favorite color? Green.

What is you favorite food? Pepperoni pizza.

What is you favorite candy? Bubble gum suckers.

What is your favorite toy? Star Wars guys.

What is your favorite animal? Snake.

What is your favorite dessert? Chocolate cake and ice cream.

What is your favorite restaurant? Halloween-penos. (Jalepenos)

What is your favorite car or truck? Semis.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A UPS man. Or an icecream man.

How do you feel now that you're six? Happy and good.

Adam, you keep us on our toes. Our life would be so boring without you. We thank God for you every day. You bring us laughter, and excitement, and unpredictability. You are our first and no one can ever replace you. I pray every day that we get to spend eternity with you. It is my birthday wish for you, that you would give yourself to God.

 We love you.


Terah said...

happy birthday!


The Chad Beck's said...

Happy birthday from the other Beck's! ;)

Britani said...

Happy birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day:)
Love, Miss Britani