Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Have you ever...

 been too lazy to shower or wash your face at night and then you go to bed and wake up to your alarm seemingly only seconds later, to roll out of bed and stumble to the bathroom and look in the mirror at the horror that is your face and think,"Huh. My makeup doesn't look too bad."?

Yeah. Me too.

Only I didn't have my contacts in yet.


Friday, January 14, 2011


We're sick.
So far Adam is the only one that hasn't come down with it. I'm hanging on tight to the concept of not tossing my cookies but my joints....ohhhhh my joints. They ache. And I'm already getting burnt out on lying around. I have a whole new sympathy for Rowan(who currently is in much more misery than myself), Avril, and Jay. Why am I not nicer when they are ill? I get impatient because they won't just lie still and veg out. But yet, I am having trouble with it myself. Until the waves of nausea hit. Then I try really hard not to even blink until they dissipate.

I do have pictures to post on the other blog. Just haven't had a chance to go to the dungeon long enough.

I want to find a really neat header for it. Any suggestions? How do I make the header go across the entire page and not just little in the center? I have one I like but realized that I got the words off-center so I need to fix it. It's a work in progress.

Just wanted to stay in touch with the outside world.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well, my boy has past the five-year-old mark and is six today. I can't believe it. Only six years ago, I wasn't a mother yet. I was large and swollen with child, sitting in a hospital bed, having contractions for the third day in a row, and scared out of my mind. It was probably around this time of day that I got my epidural. God bless anethesiologists! It wasn't until 8:18 p.m. that night six years ago that I got to see my baby. The one who made me a mother. He was huge, fat, slimy, and had a head full of thick, black hair. And I didn't even think to ask whether he was a boy or a girl. I was just happy he finally came. And bless the sweet thing, he slept that entire night. It was a good thing, too because I was out of it. Of course he hasn't been quite that easy since, but I've learned to not only live with it, but love it! My spunky kid brings me joy. And I couldn't have hand-picked a better one.

So today not only marks the birth of my baby boy but it marks the birth of my motherhood as well.


What is your favorite color? Green.

What is you favorite food? Pepperoni pizza.

What is you favorite candy? Bubble gum suckers.

What is your favorite toy? Star Wars guys.

What is your favorite animal? Snake.

What is your favorite dessert? Chocolate cake and ice cream.

What is your favorite restaurant? Halloween-penos. (Jalepenos)

What is your favorite car or truck? Semis.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A UPS man. Or an icecream man.

How do you feel now that you're six? Happy and good.

Adam, you keep us on our toes. Our life would be so boring without you. We thank God for you every day. You bring us laughter, and excitement, and unpredictability. You are our first and no one can ever replace you. I pray every day that we get to spend eternity with you. It is my birthday wish for you, that you would give yourself to God.

 We love you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Okay, girls, I need your help.

I am very uninspired lately when it comes to meals for my family, especially lunch and snacks. I am so tired of fixing the same old things but can't seem to find any new ideas that aren't junk or really time consuming.

So let's have it. What do you give your kids for snacks and lunch that is not too sugary, does not contain tons of processed junk, and does not contain a lot of milk/dairy? I would love some new ideas. I'm completely blank.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Another year has begun. Sometimes I feel more behind than ever at the beginning of a year. I don't know if it's just that I haven't recooperated from the holidays or if its just a slight depression of the things left undone from the previous year. For example, I still have two years worth of plum juice to turn into jelly, a few unfinished Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations to take down, Christmas pictures to post, weight to lose, letters to write, pictures to send to relatives, and a good, deep house-cleaning.

So much for relaxing after the holidays!

New Year's resolutions are kinda tacky. I mean, if something really needs to change we should work on it right away instead of waiting for the new year. Right?

Well, that being said, I do have a few.

The first is always that I will be more faithful to God this year. That I will draw near to Him and learn to truly be a living sacrifice.

My second resolution is to be a more active person. Not just exercise, but to be a go-getter. To think ahead and get things done on time if not early. To simply stop waiting for others to do it and do it myself.

That's pretty much it. These are my goals for this year. Nothing too interesting. Nothing too lofty.

I have no idea what this year holds in store but I am looking forward to it.