Tuesday, April 27, 2010


1) Still no camera. Bummer.

We are deciding what to do. Well, mostly just deciding to actually fork over the money.

I'm threatening death if I don't have it by Avril's birthday.

2) By the way, Auntie Terah....

do you think you could schedule us in for a "turning one" shoot? There may be a Starbucks in it for you.

3) Only a week or two left on Adam's school. Not bad for starting two months late. We are going to have to get in a routine for next year though. It's much more extensive. And I want to do more than just what's required. I want it to be enjoyable for all of us.

4) Speaking of which, we are remodeling one of the rooms in the basement to be a school room/office this summer. I have tons of ideas but I'm not sure how to pull them all off. Please, please send me pictures of decorating ideas or ideas on how to do lots of usable storage and work areas. Terah, I may be enlisting your help on this one too! =) (I'm so lucky. You're not. You know that saying: I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. That's our saying.)

5) I am also going to start working on Avril's room. I have ideas. Lots of ideas. I'm thinking it may be her birthday present as she has plenty of baby toys.

6) Jay has been running our route this week so he has been stopping by for "lunch" each day. Is it still considered lunch if it doesn't come until almost 4:00 p.m. each day?

7) So ready for summer. For some reason I only feel inspired to do yard work on the rainy days, when I can't. But that is another project that I will be getting under way as soon as we get another dry day. Ripping out overgrown flower beds. I've been avoiding it for three years now. It's time.

8) My orchard is blooming. And I have no camera. Double bummer.

9) Jay's parents are coming this weekend. It'll be good to see them again so soon. I'm not sure how long they are staying.

9.5) The boys are getting so big. Adam is starting to sound out words and ask somewhat intelligent questions. Rowan is losing his baby chub. *sigh* It goes by way too fast.

10) I took this picture a couple of months ago when Terah and the kids were visiting one Wednesday. It's a little blurry but it's AWESOME!

The first one is the sunshine/70's look.

The second was a Fresh & Colorful action.

Which one is your favorite?


Terah said...


And what she didn't tell the rest of you is that she already asked me to help with Avril's room...

I'd love to.
I may hold ya to that Starbucks though.

Love the photo.
It's even better knowing it was a candid shot.
They're ages are starting to blend. Now it's hard to tell that there are 2 years between the five of them.

Terah said...


I am literate.

But only sometimes.

Karina said...

I like umm...both...maybe the first shot with the 2nd action? :P

What happened with your camera? Something is wrong with mine! I'm having huge issues and I have a job this Saturday...wahhhh.

Oh...office/school room. Well..you can always buy that 'chalkboard' paint and use it to make a chalkboard area, or paint a kids table so they can draw on the table.... Alternatively, you can build (or get J or other well meaning macho man) a room partition divider thing with hinges & whiteboard material in the middle of the panels. A friend of mine that runs a tutoring business had her dad build one...its awesome. It has wheels, and lots of space to write notes or put up posters etc...and then it just folds up....magically taking pages worth of notes with it :).

Levi is also losing his baby fat. He looks like Mowgli from the jungle book...but with lighter hair :S.