Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

There are many things that I have been longing to do. They have been a long time coming and are pretty common resolutions. I have decided to start now as I have felt prompted more recently and a new year just seems like a good place to begin.

Here are my top 10.

1) I want to read in my Bible every day, even if it's only one verse. I have slacked off on this more and more throughout the years and I feel deprived. I live in a place of great anxiety and doubt. Fear is my constant companion and I suffer a severe lack of zeal for living each moment for Christ. "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God." Please, Lord, increase my faith.

2) Spend more time with my children and not just managing my children. Adam's school is sadly unorganized. Rowan is potty trained except for my lack of consistency. Avril has a poor eating schedule and nap routine. And most of all, they ask constantly for me to please play with them. This year, I intend to say "Maybe later," very seldom. I want to read to them more and have Bible lessons with both of the boys each morning.

3) Get healthy. I admit it. I am over weight and I am obsessed by my chub. I am going to do something about it. First, I am going to quit complaining about it. Then I am going to lose 35 pounds and our whole family is going to eat healthier. The mere sight of sugar makes me feel ill(until tomorrow). *smile* Seriously, my goal is to feed us all healthier and to get exercise for me and my kiddos every day.

4) Stop questioning my husband's discipline methods. I feel so sorry for the kids when we crack down on them that it becomes ineffective. *blush* This is a big struggle for me.

5) Take more pictures.

6) Be more involved with people. I tend to be a hermit and I think it would be good for my kids to see me being more hospitable.

7) Yard work. Lots of yard work. Tear out old flower beds, keep lawns mowed, maybe grow a small garden.

8) Muck out the house. We have an entire basement full of stuff we rarely use. I would like to give it away or sell it. I want to declutter.

9) Stop being late. I am always late.

10) To pray. Pray faithfully.

Some of these are just silly and some mean a great deal to me. Most of all I want to stop wasting my time and start living the way God has called me to live. I feel as if I am on the brink of a great change but that I can't quite seem to take that final step into being fully committed to my Lord. Feeling things is very important to me. I lack confidence in things if I don't feel just right about it. I want to push past that and truly be used of God. I also want to accomplish even the silly things that I set out to do.

Happy New Year everybody! I hope God changes us all dramatically in 2010!

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