Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Five! Five? Five.

That is how many years it's been since my life changed dramatically....for the better.

Today my boy is big.

We have agreed to no longer require naps from him and he is half way through his first year of school. He asks questions like, "So, how's your day goin?" and says things like, "I can't hear you, Avril is screaming her brains out." He has an amazing imagination and loves to be a construction worker, super hero, cowboy, doctor, or a bad guy. He tells me he wants 10 kids when he gets married. He has answered that way since he was about three.

When I get sad about how fast he is growing he tells me that he will try to have a house right by mine so he can visit and bring me cakes and watch t.v. with me every morning. (I wonder how Mrs. Adam is going to feel about that?)

This morning he got in trouble for biting his brother and as he was sitting in timeout he told me his tummy hurt. I told him no it didn't and not to say that if it wasn't true. Then he said, "It hurts and it's all black inside because I have a sin in there." How do you explain that? I told him he just needed to pray.

I think over the last five years and I remember how much I wanted Adam to grow and enter the next phase. Now I want time to stand still and just revel in the way he is at this moment. I want to push pause.

Adam, I love you so much. The last five years have been such a blessing to me and Daddy and we are so grateful that God has shared you with us. It is my deepest desire to see you know the Lord and I pray for that daily. Thank you for being such a fun and energetic boy.



Terah said...

We had such a fun day with you, Adam!

Love ya, big boy!

Karina said...

Happy Birthday wishes from Australia, Adam!

Five is so big! I hear you about pressing 'pause'.

Great pictures Heidi!

The Chad Beck's said...

Love the pics! So cute!
Happy Birthday again big boy! Five was the hardest, but I really am over it now... Kira has been SO much fun lately! I love every age, I hope to say that in ten years. (;
I really have no doubts, we all have great children and they all have each other which are wonderful peers. (;

Crystal said...

Happy birthday buddy!