Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ten (Extended Addition)

1) It's a really bad thing that I am absolutely loving Gap's spring line of childrens clothing. I just keep drooling over it.

2) It's an even worse thing that I'm telling myself they aren't really that exspensive. Compared to everywhere else they're not too bad.

3) The worst thing of all is that we just spent $1800 getting our little Mazda repaired. It needed a transmission rebuild....sort of. Long story. (And I'm considering a BabyGap purchase!) *whispers* Don't tell Jay!

4) I will NOT be making that purchase. Just to clarify.

5) Avril has turned into quite the happy little thing lately. knock-on-wood It's really nice to have a smiling, giggly girl. A new experience for sure.

6) I entered a contest on Pioneer Woman. Who knows if I'll win? Probably not. I know all my answers were right since I checked....okay cheated, on Google. I just don't know if I was one of the first three to answer them all right. Supposed to find out today.

7) Doing fairly well with the eating healthier and exercising more so far. I have had a couple of down days for sure but today has gone well. Did anyone else want to strangle Lance when he was whining about not losing 10 pounds in one week? I have been trying for about three and have yet to lose five. It's so unfair being a girl.

8) The disaster in Haiti makes me think how fragile life is. Makes me realize why we can't dwell in the past, worry about the future, and why God says today is the day of salvation.

9) Please pray for my childrens' and granparents' salvation.

10) Very excited about the Women's Ministry meeting tonight. I might even feel inspired enough to finally volunteer for something!

11) I'm struggling. (I can feel the collective rolling of eyes from those of you who've heard this before. Don't think I can't!) I am having a hard time differentiating between working for Him because of salvation and working for salvation. I become gripped with fear when I realize that it is fear itself that inspires me more than a prompting from the Holy Spirit. Please pray for me. I am ready to shed this doubt and fear and move on.


The Chad Beck's said...

Yes, I'm sorry, Gap IS expensive! BUT, well worth it, IF you can afford it. (;
Yay! So glad to hear Avril is being happy for you, I do know what it's like to have a needy little girl, but if she turns out to be anything like mine, she'll be such a good girl later on.
I'm simply stuck. I hit a certain weight and I don't go past it, but I don't really lose it either. =(
My answer is love Jesus. You can't go wrong with that! God knows your heart. If you're doing things out of love for Him or for others, you're doing just fine. (;
If you're not, God knows and He loves ya anyways!
love ya, see ya this pm!

Terah said...

Shelby is right, just love Jesus! Spend time in prayer and in your Bible and let him draw you close. It is the "new creation" in us that gives us a desire to become like him as he does his work in us.

Terah said...

Can anyone tell that was my husband?

I thought so.

Ya, what he said. (:

And don't even get me started on kids clothing...

Karina said...

We dont get a lot of GAP in Australia, but I have to agree that the GAP clothes we've owned have wash & weared a lot better than clothes from Kmapart.

What is it with Mazdas and their transmissions? *scowl*.

I went to check out the PW competition and I *think* (if it was the homeschooling one) it had been one. So I checked out the photography section and entered a comp myself. Mine wont get chosen, but since I already had a suitable picture loaded onto flickr I figured I'd have a go.

Glad to hear youre doing well with the eating/exercise thing. I start a "lifestyle change" every morning, and by dinner well, its no longer happening. Im not going to fit into my dress for a wedding in April. For real. So sad :S. Im the worst matron of honour ever!
Maybe all us gals should start a seperate communal blog just to inspire us towards weight loss, health and fitness!

I'll be praying for you in your struggles. I think its a really positive thing that you can re-evaluate where you are at and what you are doing and why. I realised a while ago that God has given me a truly wonderful husband and blessed me with children; at this point in time my primary ministry is in this role as mother & wife; even though I always thought that it sounded very 'limiting'. If all the other 'works' become an irritation, and not from the heart, then Im better off not doing them, or at least not doing them for Christs sake :). This is a really freeing thought for me- the permission to say 'no'; and the 'cuprunnethover' overwhelmingly great feeling of being able to confidently say 'yes', to the things I know God has planted in my heart.
