Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Oldest

There really was no purpose in taking these pictures last week other than to mess with settings on my camera. Although I am still learning and these aren't necessarily portrait quality, I'm in love with them anyway.

This boy is growing up before my very eyes. There are so many different sides to him and many of them show in these pictures. I marvel at how his coloring is exactly like mine but he looks so much like his daddy. He is most definitely a mix of his parents in looks and personality. As he grows and gets older and smarter I often times forget that he is still a small child of four and has a lot of learning to go through before alduthood and even more beyond that. Here are some of the things that remind me he is a child (and some of them remind me he is a boy).

#1) A couple of weeks ago I was measuring myself to see what size of shirt I should be ordering. Adam walked in and asked what I was doing.
"Well, I need to measure so I can make sure to order the right size of clothes."
He stood there watching me for a couple of seconds and then asked, "You're doing that to see how many miles you are?" Not inches, not even feet, MILES!
I just said, "Yes. Yes, I am."

#2) I made Shepherds Pie for dinner a while back and there was quite a lot of it. A few nights later we had small group to go to and I decided it would be much easier and faster to eat leftovers. I dished it up and called the boys to dinner. When Adam saw what we were having he sighs and in a whiney voice exclaims, "I don't wanna eat leopard pie for dinner again!"

#3) He calls the lanes on the highway hallways. And he almost always notices when there are two hallways on each side.

#4) A couple of months ago Adam began to get quite curious as to just how this baby was going to come out of my belly. I don't feel right lying to him about it but I am well aware that he is not ready to hear the details so I simply told him that God and the doctor will help me to get her out. I should have known better.

"But how will they get her out?"

"Adam, you don't need to worry about it. God knows just what to do."

"Will you choke on her?"

"No, I won't choke on her, I promise."

"Does she come out your mouth?"


"Where does she come out then?"

"Adam, don't worry about it."

"Does God make a special hole for her to come out?"

*sigh* "Yes, He does."


"Adam, don't talk about it anymore today."


#5) The kid notices everyone's tires and wheels on their vehicles. If they change them he will point it out almost immediately.

#6) I took him to one of my doctor appointments and we waited for a long time in the waiting room. After we finally got called back I had to leave a sample and Adam needed to go too. I had him go first and told him to zip and button his pants hoping it would occupy him long enough to leave my sample. Well, he happened to see me set the cup on the counter and with an absolutely horrified expression asked me, "Is that juice?"

I told him what it was and he was even more disgusted. "Why did you do that to that cup, Mommy?"

I explained all about germ-buggies that could make the baby sick and he felt a little better but made sure to tell my mom all about it when we got back.

#7) He likes to loudly proclaim all of the differences between boys and girls in every public restroom I take him into. Oddly enough, he never does this to his dad.

He wasn't real thrilled with the prospect of taking pictures. He was much more interested in playing with his backhoe and dump truck.

In these next few, he really looks like his daddy did as a little boy. The biggest difference is their coloring.

I love you little man.


SLANCE said...

special hole? i don't get it...

= )

Heidi said...

Well, you see Lance, God made boys and girls different. Boys have...

Do you remember the little boy on Kindergarten Cop? I'll let him explain it to you.

Karina said...

hahahaha....thanks for the laugh- I REALLY needed that today. He sounds very sweet & fun, yet masculine!

I cant stop giggling at your post!

Shea said...

LOVE IT! See, we on the otherhand are super (too) honest with our kids on how babies arrive. Aidan was my right hand man when watching TLC or Discovery. To the point that he would "inform" people exactly where and how the baby showed up. Its very funny to hear little kids talk about such grown up things. Boys are so much fun though!!

Terah said...

Aunt Terah loves you, Adam!

Crystal said...

That is great!!!!!!!!!!