Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby, Baby

So my sister broke the news this weekend. You will have to see her post over at Our Happily Ever After. Very exciting indeed. I was thrilled to hear it.

However, I was much more thrilled to tell her that Jay and I are expecting! Yep! Baby number 3 on the way. We are very excited. I have not been to the doctor yet but believe my due date to be June 15th. I am nervous as I have never been before about this pregnancy. I do not know why but I am fearing a miscarriage. The only thing I can chalk it up to is that I really want this baby and they say 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Please pray for me to have faith. We are already praying for this little soul.

I think of my post not too long ago about whether or not to "control" the amount of children we have and it makes me smile. I don't know exactly how I feel about all of that as of yet, but I do know that I would not give this baby up. Nothing can replace the feeling that comes with knowing that in few short months our family will grow and our love expand. Strange to think that I once thought two was enough.

We can't wait to see who you are little one. We love you already.


Terah said...


And, NO, we didn't plan it this way! But what a cool surprise!

The Chad Beck's said...

yeah, all I can say is flu bug my butt!!! I knew it, I just didn't want to push the issue the other night with the other exciting news... you're still a bad liar!

Heidi said...

Hey now! I truthfully wasn't lying. I really did have a bug. I was all sore and aching and feverish. I have NEVER puked from being pregnant. Plus I didn't find out until the day after I was sick.

So, na na nana na!

I was just about to DIE when L&T told you though. Jay just wasn't sure he wanted to share the news yet.

Shaggy said...

I totally called it when you said you were sick - Terah too. You guys both say you had something, but you both strangely, ironically ended up pregnant a few days later!

Terah said...

Well, I really did have a bug,(Camden got it too, remember?) but I will say that I always come down with something right before I find out I'm pregnant. The immune system must be too distracted or something...(:

Heidi said...

That's true. I usually get something in the beginning as well.

The Chad Beck's said...

I totally 100% agree with Lyle, don't you guys think it's odd that no one but Camden got sick? I think Camden ate something that didn't agree with his tummy and you guys were just prego and not realizing that what was wrong!

Craig and Heather said...

It's raining babies!

Happy congratulations to your family :D


The Chad Beck's said...

that thing is too cool, but so weird (the babystrology thing)! It's not even a gummy bear yet (as olivia called her's around two months) ;) So exciting...

The Chad Beck's said...

oh, I meant to call you today, I'll try to call ya tomorrow!

Heidi said...

Great! I was thinking about trying you again too!

I know, I found that thing when I googled pregnancy tickers. It's kinda creepy lookin' right now. They say it's only the size of a poppyseed now but in two weeks will be a 1/4 of an inch long and in 6 weeks the size of a prune!

Weird how much you forget between pregnancies.

I also have another ticker at the bottom of the page that tells the development of my baby.

SLANCE said...

rabbits!!! = ) congratulations!

Karina said...

HEY! CONGRATULATIONS! That is such exciting news! It really IS raining babies! :) We have several friends from church who recently found out they are expecting. I have a 'pregnancy prayer list', I'll have to put you on it!

How fun to be pregnant with your sister too! Heather and I have done that a couple of times! (You ready for another one Heather? :P hahahaha).

We'll be praying for you and your family! Congratulations once again!