Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The kids & I had one of those days that makes you want to jump up and shout, "Do over!"

Adam was very, very sick all day. I think he threw up about 13 times and had the "other" twice. Poor guy. And Rhett decided that he would fight me on the whole nap bit for 4.hours.straight. Jay and our nephew Josh went snowmobiling and I was ok with it until around 3:30 when everything was falling to pieces around me, at which point I proceeded to snap at all 4 of the children and sent Jay a text via my email that said something to the effect of his day better be worth ditching me to deal with everything by myself. Oops. DO OVER!

Then Adam starting feeling better & Rhett woke up from his nap just as Jay & Josh walked through the door this evening. Then we, in a great frenzy, fed the kids and got them ready for be so we could watch a movie.

Here I sit. Jay asleep on the couch. Josh asleep on the floor. All by myself. And the internet is boring tonight.

Snowmobiling makes me so lonesome I could cry.


gramiwaggs said...

Well you should have used your time wisely and POSTED ADAM'S BIRTHDAY PICS!lol

Dana Allard said...

I hope your kids are feeling better...

Heidi said...

Oh I am planning to do Adam's birthday post soon. I need to get out and take pictures of each of the big boys. They need updated.

Yes, my kids are feeling much, much better. Thankfully Adam was the last of the bunch to get it, not the first. He did get it far worse than the rest of us though. Poor little guy.