Monday, January 27, 2014


Time for Adam's birthday post. I know it's late but at least it's still the same month as his birthday.
(I will add pictures later today. I still need to take actual "portraits" of them but I have some of Adam opening his gifts on his birthday.)

Adam Taite
January 6, 2014, 9-years-old

What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite toy? Halo Mega Bloks
What is your favorite stuffed animal? My teddy bear, my old one
What is your favorite thing to sleep with? My smelly teddy bear (scentsy buddy)
What is your favorite fruit? peaches
What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cinnamon Toast
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? BBQ chips with fries & a hamburger with potato salad
What is your favorite dessert? ice cream
What is your favorite drink? soda
What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? pizza with sausage & peppers
What is your favorite animal? snake
What is your favorite book? The 39 Clues
What is your favorite song? I'm in the Lord's Army
What is your favorite game? Halo
What is your favorite Andy Griffith
What is your favorite movie? Spiderman
What is your favorite thing to do outside? shoot my BB gun
Who is your best friend? Camden
What do you want to be when you grow up? A UPS driver & a police officer but probably just a UPS driver for now.

Adam is still every bit as energetic & mischievous as he ever was. He brings so much fun & energy to our home. Sometimes a little too much but we love him for it! He has really matured in so many ways this last year. We are seeing less temper tantrums. And is magnificent with his baby brother.
He does still like to torment Rowan & Avril though and it is something we are working on.

He is an amazing reader and math almost seems second nature to him. He does so well in school and seems to enjoy it more than years past. Adam started basketball this winter and is LOVING it. I have only seen one of his games but I plan on seeing all of the rest as it is so fun to watch him play. He is aggressive and tries very hard. I think he was built for it as he is so tall.

Adam claims to have accepted the Lord this year as well. We do not know when this event took place but look for the fruit of it daily. It is hard to say whether or not he really understands what it means but we will continue to pray for him daily and ask others to do the same. It is our deepest desire for him to devote his life to Christ and spend eternity with Him.

We are so glad to have Adam and grateful that we get this great responsibility of raising him. We love him so much!

Adam is halfway to being an adult. *sniffle* Sometimes I look at him & still see the "tiny" baby that came to us that first night as parents. The same hairline, the same mouth, the same eyes. Every now & then I even still hold him in my lap, although it is getting hard to do. He is still my baby, my first, my dream come true. Other times, I just see this big, tall, gangly kid that I know so well but seems like a stranger all at once. He just keeps growing & changing. It's funny how you don't notice the changes until you look back and then it's just there, so blatantly obvious. You wonder how you missed the fact that he no longer calls spaghetti "skebbi", and when did he stop getting a stool to brush his teeth, and didn't you just buy those too short jeans like a couple of weeks ago? How do we miss it? Our children growing up. We spend every day with them, and yet we still blink and wonder, "where did the time go?"

I know where it went. It just went. It went in the training, the disciplining, the feeding, the playing, the loving, the frustration, the praying, the weeping, the living. And though it makes me sad that it went, I'm so so grateful that I was there. That I get to be a part of this boy's life. A big part. It's scary and hard and oh so wonderful. And I will strive every day to enjoy what is left of his childhood. No more being sad that the baby is gone and no more wishing away the days that are here now. I am sometimes filled with sorrow over the days that I feel were wasted. The days that I retreated from him & his siblings, the days I yelled & lost my temper, the days I just survived and wished were over. But then I realize that I'm just wasting more time by dwelling on those days. I am done wasting time. I have a family to take care of and to love. Someday they will grow, move away, or even pass from this life. But today they are here. Today we get to love them, pray for & with them, hold them, enjoy them, teach them, and share with them. I don't want to waste it. They grow too fast.

1 comment:

gramiwaggs said...

You are growing up so fast Adam. Grami is so proud of the young man you are becoming. My heart smiles when I think of Jesus in your heart and that you will be with us forever in heaven. Happy Birthday! I love you.