Friday, August 23, 2013


"In about fifty years(give or take a couple of decades), no one will remember you. Everyone you know will be dead. Certainly no one will care what job you had, what car you drove, what school you attended, or what clothes you wore."...

                                                                                                                 ~Francis Chan
                                                                                                                   Crazy Love

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

                                                                                                                       Holy Bible
                                                                                                                       Deuteronomy 6:6-7

It is true. In 100 years or less, I will not be remembered. My life will vanish like a vapor. Even my children & grandchildren will be mostly dead. Anyone that I had direct contact with, will have passed on. Gone from this life. Most of my earthly possessions will have turned to dust with rot & decay.

And it's okay. It's not about me.

It's about Him. All of it. My worth, or lack thereof, is of little to no consequence. My only purpose is to know Him & glorify Him. To make Him known to my children and those I meet in this life. To share what He has shown us, given to us. To share what will be ours if we answer His calling.

I want these verses to penetrate our household. I want to live them out. To teach my children & grandchildren what it's all about. I don't want Him to be part of our lives, I want Him to be the source & reason for our lives. So that when I am gone, when I am forgotten, He isn't. It's okay if they forget who I was. As long as they never forget who He is.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

hit me with your best shot...


sorry. I couldn't help it.

So I want to know your best morning routines with the kiddos.
I know there are some things that are essential to me in the morning and I seem to have a hard time fitting it all in.

My big things:

~getting kids up & dressed
~beds made
~kids chores done
~breakfast & cleanup
~devotions with the kids

Those are the things that throw our entire day off if they aren't done. But since my walk takes an hour and my run makes me sweat like a pig who needs a shower very badly, it's practically lunch time when we get it all done. Once school starts, I know I am going to have to run in the morning and walk(with all of the kids) later in the day. Right now I walk in the morning by myself and run when Rhett is napping. So I am thinking that I will get up at 5:00, run, shower, get ready for the day, and then get the kids up to do their stuff. Then maybe we could start school by 8:00 or 9:00.

Trouble is.... I don't wanna get up at 5:00! Is there a better way to do this in a timely manner?

So hit me! I need fresh minds and a different perspective.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ten on tuesday

1. how pathetic am I that I have been "completing" Avril's room for two years and the only thing I've accomplished is buying her a bed? there just seem to be too many other more important things to spend time & money on.

2. swim lessons are awesome. adam is becoming quite a little fish. I think that Avril is a little more comfortable in the water and rowan never says much about it. he is not fond of blowing out his nose under water. I know they are all having a blast, including me. it has been really good for us as I would most likely not take them to the lake very often without the lessons.

3. I am still working on my couch to 5k program. I am currently on week 5. I now run 5 days a week instead of 3. Still trying to walk each day as well.

4. Went to town and ran errands with all 4 tired & hungry children after swim lessons today. My, what an experience. I always picture these things going very well. Like a fuzzy dream. Walking calmly down the isles in the store. gazing at my sweet, smiling children as they politely hand me things I need off of the shelves. a chubby baby contentedly cooing in the grocery cart as it rolls along. but after I go & real life happens, I think I'd be content with just remembering everything on the list and not contemplating the murder of people. It's not always my children. sometimes it's the construction workers that always flip the sign around to STOP when I drive up. sometimes it's the cashier who checks the groceries slower than molasses in January as my children are wrestling in the isle and my baby is screaming his lungs out because I actually have to scan the thing he is playing with. sometimes it's the mother with only two children who is looking at the freak show that is our family as we troop in & out of the store. and it's almost always the person who says, "wow. you've got your hands full." they might as well say, "wow, nut-job, you must have been completely off your rocker when you had those last two."

5. getting excited about the upcoming school year. thought I'm not ready to start yet, I am really looking forward to this new program we're trying. I get to order the books and curriculum on Friday. It's sort of like Christmas for me. Books are a great love of mine. I just love looking through a new book.

6. my kids. my poor, poor kids. they need a routine so badly right now. Rhett has been waking everybody up really early and we seem to sort of just survive the blows of the day. I have been a poor planner and we are all feeling it. the kids have random meal times(with too much dairy), random naps, random bedtimes, & random time with Mommy. it's taking it's toll and something needs to be done.

7. I am going on a computer fast for a couple days.
     see number 6.
    So tomorrow & Thursday are no computer days. they are going to be fully devoted to the care of my children & husband. who knows, maybe I'll even get some cleaning done.

8. know a good/inexpensive place to get flattering & modest swimwear for women? I am a little bit panicky about the whole thing. summer's coming to an end. must find something before my cruise!

9. summer's coming to an end! I am sad but glad. fall is my favorite time of year but this summer has been pretty fun so I'm sad to see it end.

10. if I ever complete Avril's room, the boys' gets to be next. it's in need of updating. and by the time I get to it, Rhett will be ready to move to a big boy bed. sniffle. they get big so fast.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Little Lady

Having a daughter has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Right up there with having a husband and sons. Since I have only one daughter I am trying to soak up as much of the girly as I can. Thankfully, Avril likes to soak it up too.

This last spring we went to a mother/daughter tea at the church. we had a ball getting ready. Sadly I didn't take any pictures of the actual tea but I did snap some of us getting ready.

We had a great time.
I think getting ready was nearly the most enjoyable part of the whole evening.
Isn't she lovely?