Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Since I Don't have Facebook...

Terah asked for stocking stuffer ideas for boys. Here's what ours are getting so far:

* headlamp
* real binoculars
* wallet
* watch
* homemade playdough
* chocolate fish crackers
* light saber chapstick
* small lego set
* scentsy buddy
* roll of tape
* sunglasses
* motorized toothbrush
* tic-tacs

Other ideas are:

* tape measure
* mini flashlight
* marbles
* mini clamps (great for building forts with blankets)
* pocket knife
* character bandaids

Not the most exhaustive or original list but there it is.


Crystal said...

Those are great ideas... if I had BOYS!!!

Christine said...

Love your ideas! Someday... I will have boys to use these ideas on :)

Dana Allard said...

My kids would love the mini clamps! They've broken way too many things trying to anchor their blanket tents.

Heidi said...

The clamps were an inspired idea for sure. Sadly, I can't take all the credit. Jay gave me the idea when he went to his shed and grabbed some to clip a blanket to the stroller on one of our walks.

My husband is brilliant. Even if he is half redneck! ;)