Friday, December 14, 2012


So little boys may be easy for me. And little girls a cinch.

But what in the world do I put in my man's stocking?

So far I have carpenter pencils & flashlights.

And we are not a family who consumes a lot of candy.Well, we try not to anyhow.

So I'm officially stumped.

Stocking stuffers for men: 1........2.......3......Go!


Have some more ideas now.

* earplugs
* gum
* nail clippers(Jay is always asking if I have some so I think I'll get him a set for each vehicle.)
* fancy-schmancy socks
* homemade hand warmers
* super glue
* flavored toothpicks

Just to name a few.

Since I asked for stocking ideas yesterday and the only one he gave me was carpenter pencils I am tempted to completely stuff that thing chock-full of that one item. But I won't. Because then I won't have anything to put in there next year!


Crystal said...

Adults get stockings???!!

Heidi said...

you're no help to me , Scrooge.

gramiwaggs said...

I go to Sears and look at all the neat multitools that they have that are so handy but men never buy. They think they are trendy but your Dad has loved everyone I get him and uses them often. They never have enough flashlights or screwdrivers. Drill bits or drivers are good because they (Jim) always lose them. Ammo and summer sausage and cheese. Just a few little items I have gotten over the years. Love you!

Heidi said...

Ammo. gooood.
sausage & cheese. gooood.
multitools. gooood.

Thanks Mom!

The Chad Beck's said...

Awesome ideas!! hopfully chad doesn't see this post soon cause I just might be doing some of these ideas!! ;)
What kind of earplugs? Doesn't Jay get them from work? They go through the wash from time to time...opps!