Thursday, December 13, 2012

For Mom

Well, I admit, I have lost a lot of my ambition to blog since Facebook became the latest craze. Nobody reads or comments anymore. And I like to read people's comments and hear their reactions to the things I post. It's fun and uplifting. It makes you feel connected and people get to see an aspect of your life that they don't usually see. The life, the house, the kids that are yours every day and not just the polite & tidy version they get to see at church.(Although, my kids are pretty consistent.) It makes me feel *gasp*, social.

Yesterday I went to my grandparents' house to make Christmas candy with my girl, my sister & her girls, my brother's girls, and my grandma. My sweet mama watched the boys and when I came to pick them up she made a remark that she has nothing to read anymore because we have forsaken blogging. It made me feel sad because I knew what she meant. I feel the same way. It just ain't no fun to be one of the only ones left over here on blogger. Everybody uses Facebook now and my husband has a strong dislike for the whole idea so I remain unconnected and will probably continue to remain that way. I mean he is a Palmer. I have never known one to back down or change their mind easily, if ever. They were born stubborn and they will die that way, I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, my mom's remark got me to thinking. First, that there are still some out there that lurk around here hoping for something new to read or look at. One of them being my own mother who is very dear to me. And that while the comments and other people's posts make it more fun, they are not the reason I started this blog four-and-a-half years ago.

I started this blog to document our life with our young family. To etch the endearing little things that my children do and say into my heart and mind. To have them written down and printed into books so that they might read them one day and so that in the twilight of my earthly life I, too, might look back and remember. To simply remember.

And that is why I will continue to post as long as I am able. I will post the good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to remember our real life. Not the cleaned up, tidy version, but the real, nitty-gritty, horrible, imperfect life that is ours here. I want to remember the bad & hard times because it is those times that we are most real and in those times that God works so greatly. I will punch out the horrid comments my children make on this keyboard and upload the pictures of food covered fingers up their noses. You will hear about digging for change in their feces and how much labor sucks. I will complain about pregnancy and weight gain and crabby children. I will then later post how sorry I am for griping and that I am truly thankful for these little hellions. There is sure to be no shortage of posts about the dreadful task of homeschooling or cleaning the ever-filthy house. And don't be surprised if every now and then you read about my frustrations with marriage or my doubts about salvation. Because that is all part of this life. And without it I wouldn't get to post about how God strengthened me & my husband in the most awful time of our lives last spring. How He upheld us and pulled us through the muck & the mire to a place of security. How He renewed my relationship with my daughter to a point it's never been before. I wouldn't get to post about the fact that even though I tremble in fear quite often and struggle with pride, arrogance, self-control, bitterness, forgiveness, and faith, God never forsakes me. You wouldn't hear about how even though this life is so tainted by sin, we are redeemed and whole and clean. In spite of the crusty food and boogers on our hands and faces.

My prayer is not that I will get to look back and remember only the good, warm fuzzy times. But that I will look back and see how far God has brought us.

So expect to see a lot more of us around here. And feel free to skip the posts about bodily waste if you wish but do it knowing that as ugly as it may seem, our Savior has made it beautiful. And remember that the mission field isn't often a pretty place.

That being said, I am also changing the the name of this blog as there are now more than 3 P's around here. And since this place is buzzing with activity at any given moment I have chosen to call it The Hive. We are a busy bunch and we even bring out our stingers quite frequently, so it's fitting. Please come back and read and laugh and cry and gag. And know that even if you don't, we'll be here.


Crystal said...

Yeah! I do pay attention and at times try to comment.. I have found though that often my comments never appear cuz my "make sure your not a computer code" are so unreadable I get them wrong, over and over again. : (

and there is usually no patience for retyping my comment.

Here goes nothing!

Crystal said...

Good thing I remembered to copy my comment, missed it 2x again!

gramiwaggs said...

Oh my goodness! Blogs do live! I was pretty sure that only Holly and Dana were blogging still. Just kidding. I am so glad you took what I said to heart but I was only teasing you. I love all of the new pictures by the way. Bet I know what I am getting for Christmas. Yippee!!!! Love you guys. And I do love to read them. I can comment now that I have my email back on line.

The Chad Beck's said...

I LOVE the pictures!!!
I am the same as Crystal, it's a pain trying to type and retype everything I write and stopped commenting because of it. Is there a way you can remove that? I know Chad found a way but I don't remember how?
I'm sad I stopped blogging, I just really have a hard time sitting down at the computer because once I do it sucks hours out of me, so I very rarely get on anymore. I'd like to start again tho.

Christine said...

I love reading your blog. To me it is the only way I can keep connected with you. I have facebook, but even though I use it some, for most people I only learn a one or two sentence fact about their life. I find that a blog is more personal and you learn more about the person, which I love.

Also I love reading blogs at lunch time. My job is so busy and hectic and I usually feel like my head is spinning out of control. When lunch time rolls around, sometimes I just ignore the phone and read a couple of blogs. It helps me to relax and realize that there are people in the world who don't drive trucks and who have other needs and desires in life and it is refreshing.

Thanks for blogging. I'll try to do it more too. :)