Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Beg Your Pardon

A little over a year and a half ago I put in a request.
I requested a little girl.
I found out through an ultrasound one year ago that You, in your love and kindness, granted me this request.
After being blessed with two boys I was so excited to hear that you wanted me to also have the blessing of a long-haired, ballet dancing, doll toting, girlie-girl.
I felt so honored.
So, if you don't mind my asking...




Is that an airplane?

Might I also humbly point out that she's going on eight months and has no hair.

And that she loves being loud and screaching and thinks it's funny when her brothers fight and wrestle in front of her.

And that eating is another of her favorite hobbies.

And that I can hardly even get her interested in a doll but if any kind of an automobile is nearby she'll do contortions trying to get to it.

So, you see, Lord, other than her clothes and a couple major differences in her anatomy, I have, yet another "boy".

with all of my heart!


Terah said...


Crystal said...

I totally get the hair thing... .and if I was ever to be blessed with a boy, well it would probably tote around dolls and dress up in high heels and frilly tutus!


Britani said...

I think she doesn't play with dolls because she is a doll herself! As a kid I played with dolls, and as an adult I love cars... I say get the "boy" stuff out now and then she'll be a girly girl later :)

Just my opinion!

Shea said...

Thank you for the giggles during my doom and gloom kind of day. She's adorable.

Karina said...

hahahahaha, she is sooo cute. You're hilarious!
I must confess that the child in our home who loves dressing up in high heels and lipgloss is not Jayde. :S

Shaggy said...

Sounds like you are just going to have to ride snowmobiles and atv's if you want to do anything with the family. :)