Friday, December 11, 2009

Self-inflicted Baldness

I know I said that next time I was going to post on what God has shown me about the deity of Christ but I need to ask you guys for prayer.

I'm going crazy.

Avril has been crying, no, screaming for about five days. I have changed her formula, given her baby ora-gel, teething tablets, Tylenol, Milicon drops, cut out baby foods, used tea tree oil in her ears, and done everything short of an enima to get her to poop normally. I hold her, bounce her, rock her, pat her and pack her around. I pray for her. Believe me, I pray for her.

Still she screams. If she's awake, she screams.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what is wrong and nothing helps. I can't tell if she's constipated, teething, has an earache, or if it's something else.

I am worried. I shouldn't be.

We are taking her to the doctor in the morning. Please pray for her. Please pray that the doctor will know what is wrong. And please pray that we won't have to give her a bunch of meds. And please pray that I will trust Him with my daughter.

Thank you.


Terah said...

Poor thing.
And does she ever have a set of lungs on her!

It's agony to not know what's going on with your baby, and to not be able to help her.

We're praying.
Let us know!

Dana Allard said...

oh... poor baby.
I feel for you. I hope everything will be fine soon.

Craig and Heather said...


Yes, that is so very painful.


The Chad Beck's said...

Poor thing, poor you, it is hard not knowing what's going on with their poor lil helpless bodies. =(
Has she really not pooped since before Prestons party? I remember then you were talking about it. Glad you guys are taking her in to make sure everything is fine!
Love you all!

Craig and Heather said...



Terah said...

I've had the poop issue with both of my girls; soon after starting solids their digestive system doesn't know quite how to handle it and it took Gwyneth over 11 days to finally go. I think Adah was just under that. I took them both to the doctor who told me not to worry as long as it wasn't rock hard...? Just sharing what's been my experience...I hope she's still feeling better.

Terah said...

I guess Chad's wrong:

Pretty girls do NOT poop, too! (:

Heidi said...

Hee hee hee. (About the Chad thing. For those of you who don't know....nevermind. I won't give away his big money maker.)

Thank you all so much for your prayers! And thank the LORD for answering! Avril was so much improved this morning that we didn't even take her to the doctor! Yay! She was happy all day until she got burnt out shopping and just really wanted a nap.

She did go potty yesterday and the day before but it was like rocks.
=( This morning she went a lot more and it was much better. I'm thinking that may have been her trouble. Hard to tell if it was that or an ear infection...

But God saw fit to have her feel better today and I am very thankful for that.