Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Cheer

Lunch at my house today.

Boys: Screaming, climbing across table to hit each other, spitting, screaming some more.

Me: "Alright. That's it! You two are not going to say another word to each other. You are not going to touch each other. You are not even going to look at each other. I have had it with the two of you fighting! Is that clear?"

Boys start bawling and wailing.

I resume making lunch.

Boys: Start screaming at each other.

Me: "I told you already to stop and you didn't listen." Each boy gets swat on bottom. "No. More. Fighting."

Adam: Bursts into tears.

Me: "Adam don't start hollering. You were being mean and you disobeyed. If you wake up your sister you're going to bed without lunch."

Rowan: Starts sobbing and whining that he wants lunch.

Me: "Be quiet. You're going to wake up your sister."

Adam: "You hurt my feelings! I don't want to live with you anymore."

Me: *chuckle* "I understand. I feel like that sometimes too." I continue making lunch and boys continue crying. Rowan keeps protesting no, no, no, no to something.

Me: "Do you think we should pack your bags and find you a new place to live after lunch?"

Rowan: stops bawling and says, "Yeah. That would be great!"

Adam & I start laughing.

Me: "Don't you think you'd miss your mommy?"

Boys: "No."

Me: "Okay. when you get done eating you can pack your bags and I'll drive you to your new home with strangers. How does that sound?"

Rowan: *starts bawling* "I don't wanna pack my bags! I don't want to!"

Me: "Yup. You gotta bring your stuff to your new family's house. You don't wanna live here anymore so you hafta pack your bags."

Rowan: "I don't wanna pack my bags!"

Me: "Why?"

Rowan: "It's too hard!"

Ahhhhhh. So nice to be loved.

Did I mention the perfect bite mark Rowan has on his cheek? Yeah. Big brothers are so fun.


Shea said...

Glad to hear our houses sound the same! Comforting!

Ryan said...

LOL Heidi!

Consider yourself "nuked"...

(That's where the unthinkable, as in "he would never actually do that!", comes out on the table... ...AKA he called your cards. ;) )


Karina said...

hahahaha....take the nearest Sharpie (or any other toxic item that smells like petrol/rubbing alcohol) into a non-ventilated cupboard, take the lid off and....
nevermind. I have to stop dealing with my problems like that! :P

Your boys love you so much. They just happening to like annoying you too.

Levi can be so awful to Jayde, only she doesnt bite back...(figuratively or literally).:) So 90% of the time they play peacefully. But that other 10% is brutal.

At least your boys are talking. Mine only speaks Whinese.

oh and...Happy Birthday to Rowan...(right?). Maybe you should get him a nice stick and a red bandana. Its not as hard to pack as a bag :P

Karina said...
