Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bobble Head

So my hubby did something that I've been somewhat dreading for a while. He bought one of those kid-sized 4-wheelers for the boys. Not the smallest one but the next size up. He got a really good deal as they usually go for twice as much in the same condition and he's going to governit so it won't go over 15 mph but still...we're talking about my babies riding that thing! Fortunately, Adam won't be quite big enough until next year. Whew!

Of course we had to get something else to accompany it.

Was he pleased?

You could say that. He wore it the entire day.

He wore it while watching the telephone company hook up a new box.

He wore it when Aunt Tessie came to babysit. At which time he scolded her that she did not sufficiently look at "every part".

He wore it so long that he even complained of his neck and head hurting.

Crazy nut.


The Chad Beck's said...

oh that is too cute! I sure love that feeling, making my kids feel really special just because, it's the best! =] He must be proud to be just like daddy. =]

Terah said...

And just think; it's even more dangerous for any siblings that happen to be in his path!