Friday, August 26, 2011

Old School

Daddy found these toys in some of his stuff downstairs.
He played with these things many a day when he was a little boy.
Uncle Matt has some down there too.
(and if he doesn't ever come get them they may be confiscated. *wink*wink*)

Well, it was decided that it was time to pass them along.
I don't know if Chad had any of these, I assume he was too, huh-hmm, old?
I think these were toys of the 80's as Terah and I also had some when we were little.
The old-fashioned Little People toys.
We didn't have excavators. Although there was a tractor.
We had a farm, if I'm remembering right.
(Mom & Terah, you'll have to correct me. Being two or three is a little sketchy in my memory.)
Anyway, who better to pass them along to than the three name-bearers of the bunch?
There are 13 grandsons on the P side of the family.
Only three to carry on the name.
Two of them are mine.
And even though Jay is the youngest boy in his family and we were the last to start having kids, we somehow ended up with the first boy to carry on the name.
So, son, I really hope you enjoy your inheritance.
'Cuz it's all your gonna get!
Well, that and hopefully a son exactly like you someday.
The Bible calls them a heritage. I wonder if in the original language the word for "heritage" means "revenge"?
You know, "children are a heritage from the Lord"
could be
Children are revenge from the Lord.
You think?

Yeah, probably not.
The heritage is a little too sweet to be sweet revenge.

"Alright, you bad guy, I'm gonna git you." 
 "No, you're not! uh!pshh!guh.ooohuh."
 "I got 'im. Take him away!"
 "Where to, Boss?"
"Put 'im in the trash truck and throw 'im awaaay." 
 "Take 'im to the dump, driver!"
 "We're takin you someplace you're never gonna git out."
 "No! No! Please, I'm sorry. Nooooooo!"
"Heh. You're gonna die in the dump.Heh heh heh."
 "And stay there forever...."

I kinda hope my boys don't end up in law enforcement....

I'm just sayin is all.

1 comment:

Britani said...

I love little people! Especially the old ones :) Little people are the best because they are so easily cleaned and seem to last forever... I mean obviously they lasted since Jason was a wee one and we all know that wasn't just yesterday :)