Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1) I once again am able to count the children in my house on only one hand. It is refreshing. But also kinda boring.

2) As long as I train my kiddos properly now, I must say that having teenagers is going to be awesome! They are capable of so much! ;)

3) On that note, my oldest completed kindergarten almost two weeks ago. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa! He is just getting so big. All three of them are growing too fast. *sniffle*

4) There is a lot of work to be done around here now that it is "summer". A lot of outside stuff. And a  lot of inside stuff. I am so enjoying/looking forward to enjoying the long, warm, sunny days of summer. I really do hope they show up sometime...then maybe some of this stuff will get done.

5) I have quite a few pictures for my photo-a-day from the month of May. Trouble is, I can't remember all of the exact dates for them. However, I do plan on getting them up on the blog this week. Then maybe I really will keep better track for the second half of the year.

6) Is anyone else spooked out that we are already half way back to the Christmas season? I can't believe how much faster each year seems to go. I always start getting on a Christmas kick around August. Maybe I'll actually do something about it this year.

7) I am loving Bible study on Tuesday mornings. I think that I really have been needing something like this for a while. I think it will help keep me accountable to praying and being in the Word. It hits the spot.

8) I have a dentist appointment in the morning. Fillings. Blah. I am sure I'll feel better in the long run but it always seems like such a waste of time. I sit there thinking about all the other stuff I could have been doing instead. Like eating. And rotting my teeth out some more. =}

9) It's time for me to plan a birthday party for Avril. I really want to do a Mad Hatter Tea Party but I think I should wait until next year when she will enjoy it more. I guess this year will probably be pretty generic. I always try to do a fun cake for the kids' birthdays but I just don't have any good ideas for her this year. Any one else seen something cute and girly? I was considering A Wizard of Oz type theme that I saw online but I just don't know. Maybe she'll get a sheet cake.

10) Now that my niece and nephews have gone home, it's potty-training week. I am hoping that girls really are easier than boys. Judging by the way she reacted to sitting on the potty the other night, I don't think I am going to be so lucky. The boys were both trained shortly after their 3rd birthday. I was really rooting for Avril to be trained long before she turns three. But we shall see. I am considering the cold turkey method. Where you just stop putting diapers on them and let the --um--chips--fall where they may.(is that even the right saying?) But that's all I'm doing so far, just considering.

I do that a lot. And I say maybe a lot too. It's the authentic procrastinators way.


The Chad Beck's said...

Lol! You're so funny!
Okay. I personally think your crazy potty training her already... then I had to remind myself that she's only four months younger then Trista and she's been at it for a long time! But you know what I've realized between all our kids? Most of them don't ever get it till around three anyways. I'm kinda like why bother till you know they'll get it?? But potty training is my worst thing ever and I thought I was forever done, but I'll have to at least go through it another time! Great time of year to train though without all the extra layers!
I don't think I've ever sat in a dentist chair thinking it was a waste of time! I've thought I can't wait to be done, but never have I thought about all the other things I could be doing.
I say do the Mad Hatter party when she's older, keep it simple while you can! As far as ideas...none. I'm struggling with Kira's as is... you know this and that in my head, but zero money. Hmmmm sometimes zero money makes you stop and realize what birthdays or this and that are really about... I think I'm the type that really needs the reality checks. Anyways good luck!

Heidi said...

I know simple is best. Celebrating Avril and the gift that she is to us is what it's all about. But I guess I just always want it to be fun and memorable for them. You know, to show them how very blessed and glad we are to have them. Mom never did anything fancy but I remember always getting to pick what cake I got and what we had for dinner that night. Maybe I should stick to that from now on, it made me feel special.

Yeah, I would really love to wait on the potty-training but it's hard to believe she's not ready when she comes and tells us she's poopy. However, I thought I'd give it a week or two and just see how she does. If it's a nightmare, I'll wait awhile. If it's not, then she'll be trained! I am much more relaxed about it after Adam. Rowan wasn't too difficult. I just started taking him whenever I went and eventually he started telling me on his own. Those poor firstborn kiddos, they are always the experimental ones.