Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Me too! Me too!

Okay, I've done this before but I'm going to copycat all of you.

1) Avril is still coughing. Tomorrow marks one week since it started. I am seriously torn about taking her to the doctor. I have been paranoid of pneumonia. I searched it and 'it' says that infants usually get the viral kind and that antibiotics don't usually work with that. So if all the doctor is going to do is to tell me to give her lots of fluids and rest... Well, I am already doing that.

2) Ebay. I am selling my boys' baby clothes this week. I don't know why this is so difficult for me. Maybe I'm not done and that's why I'm struggling with getting rid of them?

3) I am SO done! Three seems like a very good number to me. While we aren't doing anything permanant at this point, I feel very content with our little family. I struggle with this as well. Is it right? Is it wrong? The Bible says children are a blessing and that blessed is the man whose quiver is full. But it doesn't say we are required to have as many children as physically possible. And even so, I do not think that it would be good for my mental health, or my family, if I were pregnant again. I'm worse every time! Just now starting to feel like my old self.

4) Would the ocean be fuller if there weren't any sponges in it?

5) Bad apple. We did it. We wasted nearly our whole crop of apples. There were so many other projects to be done and it froze really early this year. We salvaged quite a few and called to make an appointment at the press. Well, they shut down for the year. So there goes the remaining apples. Jay picked out the best ones. About a laundry basket full. All I have to do it cut, core, peel, and freeze them for pies and things. Not necessarily in that order.

6) Why do I have so much laundry?

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with this little imp and his chocolate face rubbing themselves all around my freshly folded whites.

7) Anybody have any suggestions on how I can sit on my rear eating bon bons all day and still lose weight? Maybe I just need a thigh master! Hey Crystal, how can I eat whatever I want and only weigh 80 pounds? Not to say that all you do is sit around...

8) My boys are being eerily quiet. I better go check and see what they are up to.

Too cute! They are sitting on their beds drawing with their magna-doodles. Not making a sound. This is a rare moment.

9) I am running out of ideas for dinner these days. I try to stay away from dairy as much as possible, although the boys seem to be tolerating it much better now. And I do not care for seafood. I just don't know what to make that is healthy yet not monotonous or extremely time consuming. Any suggestions?

10) I have recently realized that I struggle with pride. I know we all do in some form but I never realized how much I enjoy taking credit for kind things I do. I always thought that of all the sins, this was one I didn't particularly have a problem with. But I do.


Shea said...

1. Babys "tend" to be pretty good at fixing themselves. Follow those mommy instincts though!
2. I know people make good money off ebay but I'm seriously ebay stupid. I know its hard though!
3.I think it was Sam Cathy that once said that its between the parents and God as to how full the "full quiver" is. I thought I was done too but here we are! I hoping this is really it though. Pray pray pray!
4. Don't know..good question.
5. I want an apples growing in my yard!!!
6. I answered that in mine. :)
7. HA! Wish I could help you on that one!
8. Love it!
9. Have you tried e-mealz.com?
10. Apparently I struggle with envy. Does it ever end???

Karina said...

1- Sounds...not good. I'm praying.
2- Ebay huh? Im so impressed with your ambition. When I finally get around to culling our kids clothes I just pass them down the line. It helps that we have good friends whose kids are basically 1-2 yrs younger than ours. I also have trouble parting with clothes....but I think its actually the memories & the time they represent that creates the issue.
3- What Shea said? I struggle with this because I have awful pregnancies. And have had some not so nice deliveries too. There's also the thought that if we had any more our kids would just be so spaced out. Meh. I'm not worried about it I'll let God figure it out in His time. Over here most women my age arent even thinking about kids yet.
4- You have just solved global warming :S. Put more sponges in the sea!
5- Sorry to hear about your apples. That would make me sad. But at least you didnt pick all of them and then waste them....
6- The never-ending question.
7- Eat bon-bons every 2.5 hrs with no snacks in between. At least that way, your metabolism should speed up ;)
9- Cook with less salt? I try to use a lot of lean meats like chicken, turkey & kangaroo...and save red meats for 2 days a week. Do you make stir fry's? They are pretty healthy, especially if you make the sauce yourself. And you can serve it with rice for the family but hold the rice on your own if youre carb-watching....?
10- I learned a really hard lesson about this yesterday. So painfully humbling I just cant share it yet. But as well as pride I have the whole kit & kaboodle...greed, selfishness, envy. And God convicted me in a way that was pretty difficult to ignore. And yet still I didnt learn the lesson, only to have a second lesson a few hours later. Maybe I will have to blog on this :S

Heidi said...

I'm going to check out e-mealz.

The full quiver thing is a hard one for me because I feel as though every reason I have for wanting to be done is purely selfish.

Terah just made a bundle on Ebay. I haven't made anything so far but none of my auctions have ended either.


Okay, before I say anything else: KANGAROO!? That's white meat? What does it taste like? Do you eat it often? How does one go about butchering kangaroo? Are there farms or something? Do you just have it in the meat section of your grocery stores? Is it even meat?

Now that I have that out of my system...

I am very sad about our apples. Sad, but determined not to ever let it happen again. I am comforted by the fact that next year should be much easier to get out there as I won't be nursing a baby.

I also struggle with envy, selfishness, idolatry and so forth. My biggest stumbling block is self control. I simply do not have any. I lose my temper very easily and I say whatever I feel like. I pretty much struggle with it in every aspect.

All that to say: Pride is not my ONLY sin, it's just one that I thought I didn't have a problem with.

Karina said...

lol, Heidi youre a clown! Yes, its meat. Yes, its available in the supermarket. You can get roasting sized portions, steaks & other fillets or 'kanga bangas' (sausages). It technically is a red meat, but it is VERY lean. Its less fat and higher protein than chicken or turkey breasts. I dont know how they go about butchering it, but I know that there are very strict rules for culling it. They are similar to deers...they cant go into shock or the meat is ruined. It tastes kind of gamey?

Sometimes God has a way of really opening our eyes to a particular part of our sinfulness. It can be a bitter or hard pill to swallow. I am often prompted to pray for my 'blogging buddies'. I'll be holding you up in prayer for your struggles. I very much empathise with you and have had some hard lessons lately myself :S.

btw- what are bon-bons? Over here, they are something you use as a novelty around Christmas, not really edible...