Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Little Diddy

We're back!

Our 10 day vacation was soo much fun, but I feel like I missed so much going on here. It kinda feels like an alien planet.

I have quite a few pics to share. Unfortunately I didn't take as many as I had planned and quite a bundle of the ones I did get came out on the blurry side but I do have some share-worthy ones. However, I don't have time to do it tonight so I will try and get them up here tomorrow night.

Here's a little Adam diddy from our vacation.

While driving to Albequerque:

Adam: "Mommy, why's it called Old Yeller?"

Mommy: "Well, they named the movie that because that's what they called the dog."

Adam: "No! That's NOT what I mean."

Mommy: "What do you mean then?"

Adam: ~big sigh~ "I mean, did they call him Old Yeller because he's old, or because he's loud?"


We laughed really hard.

See you all tomorrow!


Terah said...

He cracks me up!

We missed you guys.
So glad you're back.

Shaggy said...

Welcome back, was weird not having you guys at the Thanksgiving feast.

Karina said...

ahahahaha....how cute!

Glad you had a wonderful trip!

The Chad Beck's said...

How much smarter can this boy get??!
Glad you guys had fun! Glad you guys are back as well... yeah, thanksgiving dinner wasn't the same without you guys... maybe it felt weird cause we were pooped from moving, and having two sick kids!
Hope to talk to ya soon!