Thursday, June 27, 2013

What's in a name?

Adam: Mommy. Beck is a cool name. Isn't Beck a cool name?

Mommy: For a first name?

Adam: No. For a last name. I wish my name was Beck.

Mommy: Well, the Palmers are pretty cool too.

Adam: Yeah, I like Palmer too but I just think Beck is a cool name.

Rowan: Everybody we know is named Beck.

Mommy: Rowan, what was that you said about the name Beck?

Rowan: I said I like Palmer better.

Adam: Yeah, but the Becks get to have and do all the cool stuff.


Dana Allard said...

Funny! I remember wishing I could be part of my friends family when I was a kid because they seemed so picture perfect :)

The Chad Beck's said...

Something I just read today, "The grass is always greener on the other side, but it still needs mowed and maintained also!"
I have to agree with Adam, it's a pretty neat name. :)