Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1) Second week/day of co-op was today. I am really loving it and the kids are too. So fun to see them learning outside the box.

2) Autumn is upon us. All I can say is, "YESSSSSSS!" It is my favorite time of year outside of Christmas season.

3) Jay has the first 3 days of this week off. It's weird to just stay home when he has time off. We usually go on a trip somewhere. But he had to use up 3 days before the end of the month and there is a lot of work to be done before the really cold weather sets in.

4) We got unexpected company yesterday. A couple that Jay has known for some time & their 5 younger children. This was my first time meeting them and they seem to be a very nice family. They have been traveling the country visiting friends & family for the last month.

5) Adam is doing better each week in his taekwondo class. Sometimes he gets a little case of stage-fright and is embarrassed to try really hard but I think he is overcoming it slowly.

6) Our church Christmas program is going to be a re-enactment of It's a Wonderful Life. My sweetie is playing the lead role. He, of course, is not the least bit nervous but I think I'm nervous enough for the whole cast. And I don't even have a part!

7) This weekend is the women's retreat. We are going to the Western Pleasure Guest Ranch. I am very excited. Last year's was a blast & I have been looking forward to the next one since coming home for the last one. Not sure I care for spending the night away from the family it doesn't make since to drive back & forth. And the rest of it's too good to miss.

8) I have photos for my Photo-a-Day project. I don't have exact dates for all of them but I know what order they came in. I just have to have Jay show me how to get them off of my camera and on to his computer because it's way different than mine.

9) Ordered the kids some much needed fall and winter clothes this week. Is shopping for kids' clothes anyone else's favorite hobby? Unfortunately, I was not able to get everything they needed but I did get the most important items. Getting spendy as they get older. I can no longer find as good of deals on ebay and yard sales and such don't have very nice older kids stuff because they wear it out before they outgrow it. In a couple years Rowan will not be getting very many hand-me-downs as Adam is wearing out more clothes. And he is wearing out the expensive items too. Such as jeans and shoes & coats. Couldn't be just a t-shirt or something inexpensive. Oh well. That old cookie crumbles as it will.

10) Looking ahead to the Christmas season again. We have decided to re-org our Christmas celebration this year. The kids will be getting ONE gift each this year & a few stocking stuffers. Last year was a good eye-opener when we saw all of the gifts wrapped under the tree. I tend to get things on sale and stash them away. Then when the holiday comes around I see it all together. Ridiculous. Jay & I have also set a very small limit for one another. The goal is to be able to give more to people in need and have our children be a part of this. I would like to pick a charity or family to give to each week of December(Jay gets paid weekly) and have the kids help me choose and deliver/mail the gift. Just a work in progress at this point.

1 comment:

gramiwaggs said...

Don't you mean UPS the gifts? Just saying! After all who does Jay get paid weekly from?